Japan Owner’s Association
About JOA 戻る


Japan Owners’ Association

The Japan Owners’ Association was established in 1961 at the request of the Japan Racing Association as a coordinator and governing body of various owners’ associations, focused on their committees. Its purpose is “Cultivating healthy hobbies related to horse racing and raising the public’s understanding, while mutually empowering members and improving the status of members to contribute to the development of Chūō Keiba (Central Horse Racing).”

Although horse racing is currently receiving broad support from the people of Japan and has made its place as a healthy leisure activity, the Japan Owners’ Association is expected to serve a central role to develop horse racing in Japan as one of two wheels on a cart alongside the Japan Racing Association.
The Japan Owners’ Association aims for further development focused on committee activities.
We donate part of the prize money for member owners in order to provide grants to sports promotion and domestic disaster (accident) visitation.
In 1969 the Association established the National Horse Racing Welfare Foundation to carry out promotional activities for private social welfare facilities.

Member horse owner number

The total number / 2,599
Individual owner / 2,204
Corporate owner / 341
People union owner / 54 people

( January 1, 2021 currently )

Greeting from the Chairman

Ken Nishikawa

Ken Nishikawa

The Japan Owners’ Association is the Chūō Keiba horse owner organization, with a membership consisting of owners' associations at ten locations across Japan. It was established in 1961 as a coordinator and governing body of various associations with the purpose of “Cultivating interest in horse racing as a hobby and raising the public’s understanding, while mutually empowering members and improving and securing the status of members and associated owners to contribute to the development of Chūō Keiba.”

Horse racing has gained the support of many fans as a form of national sports entertainment.
As horse owners, we must work to get strong horses racing that can meet horse racing fans’ expectations and make for ever more exciting races.

Revenue from betting on horses has decreased since reaching a peak of \4 trillion in 1997, and the number of horse owners has decreased since reaching a peak of 3,070 in 1991.
In the past few years sales and horse owners have made a slight comeback, but we are concerned about the growth of an oligopoly.

I believe that it is possible to maintain healthy, fair horse racing, and to carry out exciting races thanks to our broad base as horse owners.
For this purpose as well, we must return to the origin of horse racing as a sport by, for, and of the fans and owners, and the various owners’ associations must unite and respond by bringing together our collective wisdom.

For the future of horse racing, we must look not only at Chūō Keiba, but also at the issues of horse producing regions, exchange with regional horse racing, and our relationship with horse racing abroad, while also working to fully communicate with horse racing circles starting with the Japan Racing Association.

I believe that our ultimate objective towards this end is to enable horse racing circles as a whole to continue hoping and dreaming alongside horse racing fans.

We are in the midst of difficult times, but I intend to work towards further development of horse racing as the representative of horse owners, and thus humbly ask for your continued cooperation and guidance.

Japan Owners’ Association Chairman of Board of Directors Ken Nishikawa